Food Packaging & Labels
Code-It are accredited with BRC certification allowing us to print food packaging. Beverage and food packaging play a critical role in meeting food safety requirements and environmental goals. Consumers want food and drinks to be fresh, clean and safe, and both consumers and food producers want to minimize the impact that packaging has on the environment.
Lidding films from Code-It are designed to suit each application. We use a variety of research techniques to ensure trays and heat sealable films are matched. This gives optimum performance and minimises waste. Our tray testing replicates the product packing conditions exactly - method, temperature and pressure. Peel strength, product cooking methods, print quality, degradability, product respiration rates and resealability all play a part in lidding films development. Code-It lidding films maintain the quality and freshness of products in modified atmosphere packaging (MAP). This can be either through barrier films for O2 exclusion for cooked and cured meats, fresh meat, fish, poultry and dairy or through various perforation techniques to balance O2 and CO2 for whole and prepared salads, vegetables and fruit. Code It offers a wide range of lidding films for use with most APET, PP or PE lined trays and thermoform base webs. A number of options are offered, although Code-It works with customers all the time to develop innovative approaches and techniques.
There are many options depending on the application and the environmental
considerations. We carry out lamination in-house to maintain quality control over coat weights and seal integrity.
We provide ultra thin gauge laminates to reduce packaging usage.
Being BRC High Risk accredited means that all UV inks used are ULM (Ultra Low Migration) giving you peace of mind knowing that your finished films are compliant with the strictest government guidelines.
Surface or reverse print options
Top quality results for multi colour designs
Ink and colour usage minimised for cost efficiency
Top quality results even for complex designs
Ovenable and microwavable inks
Flexible print for promotions and offers

Wine & Beverage Labels
Have you ever noticed how many different labels are displayed in a typical wine or beverage store? The competition is enormous, as every vendor wants their product to stand out from the pack. There are many ways to achieve this result - quite a common one is by adding all kinds of ‘bling’ to the label (maybe gold foil, embossing, multiple labels to draw the eye), which can certainly have an impact but can also add significant cost to the equation. Another method frequently used is to focus on creating a cute ‘brand’ image - maybe a stylised animal that appeals to the warm and cuddly emotions of the shopper.
With flexo and digital label printing, we can add extra options into the mix that cannot easily be replicated using traditional presses. For example, it's extremely simple to add ‘serialisation’ to your product labels whilst they're being printed - which can help create a feeling of exclusivity (similar to an artist signing numbered prints). If your customer sees that they're buying bottle number 726 of a 5,000 bottle run, they immediately get a better understanding that this wine (or other beverage) is not produced by the tanker-load.
Similarly, it's very simple to create multiple label designs for the same product and print them all in a single run. Imagine introducing some complementary designs to add ‘something different’ when they're side by side on the shelf. Why settle for a single label design that some shoppers may not find attractive? Mix it up a little and increase your shelf appeal, all while still perpetuating your unique brand. With digital label printing, the only limitation is your creativity - cost is no longer the driving force it has always been with traditional label printing.
For orders in the barrel load, flexo with embossing and cold foiling adds to the overall appearance and is very pleasing to the consumer’s eye.